Website content writing ideas
Optimizing the site for search engines is very important to pay attention to the content placed on the pages of the web-site. With the right approach, each new article is a set of keys that will lead to your site through search engines. The more unique the text on the pages, the more likely it is that your resource will be higher than others in search engine results for keyword content phrases.
Unique content is valued not only by search engines, but also by the users who visit your site. From the content will depend on the position of the site in the serpent for low-frequency and some medium-frequency queries, the number of subscribers to your feed, the popularity and citation of the material and the site as a whole. As well as unique content gives a number of other benefits.
However, at times, it can be difficult to find ideas for writing website content. This article presents a number of such ideas that might help you in maintaining the vitality of your resource and raise its popularity, both among users and among search engines. We should note right away that the given list of content sources is not full and you can always add it in the comments to this post.
Sources of content for the site
1. Writing documentation
If you know something well and can write detailed documentation about it, this is a great way to attract the required audience to the site. Documentation can be as simple answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), a how-to guide, or a detailed description of devices with tabular parameters.
2. Publication of news
Monitoring and publishing news on the topic of your site is a great way to keep users interested in the material and the site as a whole. When maintaining a corporate website, it is appropriate to post news about your company, goals set and achieved, information about events, new product launches, etc.
Despite the fact that over time, news becomes outdated and ceases to be relevant, they play a big role in the moment of relevance. In addition to the usual search in the search engines, there is also a search for news and blogs, which means the possibility of attracting additional audience to your resource through news content.
3. Legitimate Copypaste
If you think that the material on a third-party resource suits your subject-matter and it would be appropriate to place it on your site, you should make sure that the owner or author of the content does not mind publishing his work on your resource, and second, you should refer to the source of the article. In this case, users will be happy for your useful material and for the link, which they may find additional information on a topic of interest. Relevant links are also valued by search engines.
4. Importing Content
There is already a lot of useful material on various topics on the foreign Internet, or so-called bourgeoisnet. Much of this material is not presented in runet and you have an opportunity to be the first representative or translator of useful content. Many optimizers are engaged in importing, because it is a good and easy way to get unique content.

5. Monitoring answers on mail.ru, google or yahoo
Googling answers, answers yahoo and answers mail.ru in runet are a good source of ideas for writing content on the site. Copywriting material on the responses to social services will be relevant and therefore can attract a large number of audiences to your site.
6. Article Rewriting
One of the ways to get content for your site is to get ready-made articles. Rewriting involves redirecting the dominant text, changing the form without changing the meaning, and diluting the content with the necessary key phrases you want to be found. Rewriting, just like copypaste, raises the issue of legality and ethics. Make sure you cite the source of your ideas, so as not to overstep the bounds of ethics.
7. Blogging
Another method of modern content acquisition is blogging – writing about events happening around you or your firm. Today’s optimizers are quite familiar with this field and search engines have even had to introduce additional search services for blogs or diary entries.
8. Keeping up with trends in different communities
Being constantly aware of what your topic users need means being able to write popular and necessary content. To do this, you need to visit and actively participate in thematic forums, digg-like sites, guestbooks and other social communities where subjects of the necessary topic are discussed. Being able to get into the flow at the right time in the right place is a necessary condition for successfully increasing the popularity of your site without attracting the resources of advertising campaigns.
9. Gathering information
The next way to get good content is to gather information from various online and offline sources. This can be an interview with a professional in your field, or a regular compilation of material, or gathering information from magazines, newspapers, books, publishing offline conferences, presentations, speeches, etc.
To summarize the above, let’s note that there are plenty of ideas for writing website content and they all have their own specifics. The use of any method of writing depends primarily on the focus and type of site. The best way to fill a site content – to let users do it for you: commenting, questions and answers, discussions (forum), ratings and so on.
But this method is more applicable to social services such as facebook, classmates, news2, and if we talk about non-social resources, then you should apply other methods. If you have your own approach to writing content and you successfully use it – share your thoughts with us in the comments.